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May/Jun 2018- Volume 22, Number 3
May/Jun 2018- Volume 22, Number 3 (PDF)
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Individual Articles - May/Jun 2018- Volume 22, Number 3
(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
PreScription: Influence and Sphere of Influence
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 180

Pitch Ointment: Applications in Scar and Wound Management
Kloesel Lawson
, Carvalho Maria, Banov Fabiana
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 182-188

Establishing a Rationale for Compounding Hormone Replacement Therapy
Biundo Bruce
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 190-195

Case Report of a Human Papillomavirus Infection Treated with Green Tea Extract and Curcumin Vaginal Compounded Medications
Agbi Kelechi E
, Hover Sara, Carvalho Maria
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 196-202

Your Presence is Needed at Compounders on Capitol Hill!
Blankenship Cynthia
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 204-205

Quality Control–Sterile Compounding: Analytical Methods. Density Determinations and Quality Control in Nonsterile and Sterile Compounding
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 206-217

Basics of Compounding–Nonsterile: Compounding Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems and Other Self-emulsifying Lipid Formulations, Part 1
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 220-228

Stockton Shelly J
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 230

Anhydrous Silicon Base Topical Gel Vehicle
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 232

Atenolol 1 mg/mL or 5 mg/mL in SyrSpend SF pH4
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 233

Dorzolamide 2% Ophthalmic Solution
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 234

Gabapentin 100 mg/mL in Oral Mix or Oral Mix SF Suspension
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 235

Pyrimethamine 2 mg/mL in Ora-Plus and Ora-Sweet Oral Suspension
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 236

Rolapitant Injectable Emulsion with Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate Admixture
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 237

Simvastatin 1 mg/mL in SyrSpend SF pH4 Oral Suspension
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 238

Trimethoprim 20 mg/mL and Sulfadiazine 100 mg/mL in Suspendit Oral Suspension
Allen Loyd V Jr
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 239

Investigation of the Physical, Chemical, and Microbiological Stability of Oral Solutions Compounded with Herbals
Khokhlova Kateryna O
, Zdoryk Oleksandr A
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 240-246

Comparison of Rheological and Sedimentation Behavior of Commercially Available Suspending Vehicles for Oral Pharmaceutical Preparations
Visser J Carolina
, ten Seldam Inge E J, van der Linden Isabella J, Hinrichs Wouter L J, Veenendaal Reinier F H, Dijkers Eli C F, Woerdenbag Herman J
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 247-251

The Use and Utility of Low-dose Naltrexone Capsules for Patients with Fibromyalgia
Cote Brianna
, Ross Bethany, Fortner Jeff, Rao Deepa
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 252-256

Trace Level Analysis of Airborne Hormone Particulates
Trimble John O
, Hampton Shanna
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 257-263

Erratum: Formulation: Lansoprazole 3-mg/mL Oral Suspension
May/Jun 2018
Pg. 263

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