Establishing a Rationale for Compounding Hormone Replacement Therapy
Author(s): Biundo Bruce
Issue: May/Jun 2018 - Volume 22, Number 3
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Page(s): 190-195
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Abstract: Why compound bioidentical hormones? Are there no similar commercial products? What is unique about the options compounding pharmacists offer compared with what is out in the marketplace? These are questions that physicians and other practitioners are asking, and it is very important that we have intelligent, well-thought answers when we respond. Times have changed, and the challenges we face today in marketing our compounded therapies are not the same as those of twenty years ago. Premarin is no longer at the top of the heap, and there are topical, commercial products that contain bioidentical estradiol, and capsules that contain the same progesterone that we use. Our compounding advantage comes from our abilities to prepare unique patient-specific products, and, very importantly, from our growing understanding of hormone receptors; we now know there are two main estrogen receptors, 1) estrogen receptor alpha and 2) estrogen receptor beta, and the growing knowledge base associated with the discovery of estrogen receptor beta is quite significant.
Related Keywords: bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, women, estrogen receptor alpha, estrogen receptor beta, menopause, topical preparations, regulation, regulatory approval, estradiol, estriol, breast cancer, testosterone, mood, sexual function, female sexual dysfunction, androgens, libido, hot flashes, vasovagal syndrome, estrogen balance, hysterectomy, bone density