Wilson's Syndrome and T3 Therapy
Author(s): Milner Martin
Issue: Sep/Oct 1999 - Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
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Page(s): 344-348
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Abstract: The author, a naturopathic doctor, focuses on symptoms of Wilson’s syndrome; patients most likely to be affected; diagnosis; causes of low body temperature; T3 therapy administration, regulation and monitoring; features of the 2-day compensating schedule; the patient log; thermoregulation variations; features of the 1-day compensating schedule; maximum dosing; additional benefits; hypothyroidism misconstrued as Wilson’s syndrome; cycling safely; thyroid medication and osteoporosis; contraindications; drug interactions; side effects; the value of the compounding pharmacist and slow-release T3 and prognosis. Tables provide information regarding a 2-day compensating schedule for doses of T3, a 1-day compensating schedule for doses of T3 and commonly prescribed dose increments taken as 1 capsule every 12 hours. Graphs representing sequential T3 cycles ending with improved thermal regulation after five cycles of slow-release T3 in a 51-year-old woman are provided. In addition, the author provides an algorithm for assessment and management of thermoregulation.
Related Keywords: adrenal insufficiency, adrenaline, anxiety, beta-blockers, body temperature, brittle nails, constipation, cortisol, Coumadin, Cytomel, depression, DHEA, dry eyes, dry hair, dry skin, energy, essential fatty acids, estrogen, fatigue, fluid retention, growth hormone, hair loss, headaches, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, insomnia, irritability, malnutrition, metabolism, neurotensin, osteoporosis, premenstrual syndrome, progesterone, reverse T3, T3, T4, testosterone, thermoregulation, thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyrotoxicosis, thyroxin, triiodothyronine, weight gain, weight loss, Wilson's Syndrome