Acidifying Agents, Featured Excipient:
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: Jul/Aug 1999 - Compounding Parenteral Products
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Page(s): 309-310
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Abstract: The pH is important in drug product fomulation. In this discussion, the author briefly describes the following commonly used agents: Acetic Acid NF; Acetic Acid, Glacial, USP; Citric Acid USP; Fumaric Acid NF; Hydrochloric Acid NF; Lactic Acid USP; Malic Acid NF; Nitric Acid NF; Phosphoric Acid NF; Phosphoric Acid, Diluted, NF; Propionic Acid NF; Sodium Phosphate Monobasic USP; Sulfuric Acid NF and Tartaric Acid NF. A table provides a listing of acidifying agents and their physicochemical characteristics.
Related Keywords: acetic acid, acidifying agents, alkalizing agents, citric acid, drug activity, drug solubility, drug stability, fumarin acid, hydrochloric acid, lactic acid, malic acid, nitric acid, pH, phosphoric acid, propionic acid, sodium phosphate monobasic, sulfuric acid, tartaric acid