Chemical Facial Peel Formulations: an Overview
Author(s): Levine Phillip J
Issue: Sep/Oct 1999 - Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
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Page(s): 375-377
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Abstract: The author discusses consultative opportunities, three commonly used formulations (Jessner’s Solution, Unna’s Paste, and the Baker-Gordon Formula) and patient cautions. He also explains the chemical-peel office procedure.
Related Keywords: Accutane, acne, alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs), Baker-Gordon Formula, benzoin, ceyssatite, chemabrasion, chemical peel, croton oil, exfoliating, Exoderm, facial peel, fine wrinkling, glycolic acid, isotretinoin, Jessner's solution, keratolytic, keratoses, lactic acid, phenol, resorcinol, retinoin, salicylic acid, scars, septisol, superficial chemosurgery, trichloroacetic acid, Unna's Paste, zinc oxide