Compounding for Treatment of Equine Infectious Diseases: An Overview
Author(s): Bramwell Bethany L
Issue: Nov/Dec 2011 - Volume 15, Number 6
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Page(s): 450-457
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Abstract: Implementation of a disease prevention program is an important aspect of horse management. Most common infectious diseases of the horse can be controlled with routine health care and vaccination programs. Early, accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment for infectious diseases are essential to prevent irreversible, debilitating disease or death in the horse. This article provides an overview of various equine infectious diseases and discusses some of the more common and successful treatments for these diseases. The role of the compounding pharmacist in selecting the most efficacious and economical treatment options is highlighted.
Related Keywords: formulations, horses, bacterial infections, bacteria, Rhodococcus equi, pneumonia, azithromycin, clostridium, enterocolitis, protozoal myeloencephalitis, protozoans, sulfadiazine, pyrimethamine, ulcerative keratomycosis, fungal infections, fungus, itraconazole, topical preparations, dermatophytosis, ringworm, griseofulvin, antibiotics, antimicrobial agents, antifungal agents, potassium iodide saturated solution, aspergillosis, respiratory infections, skin infections, eye infections, nervous system infections, sporotrichosis, prevention, parasites