Software for the Compounding Pharmacist: An Update
Author(s): Mason Dave
Issue: May/Jun 2003 - Diabetes and Wound Care
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 197-205
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Abstract: This article provides reviewers’ evaluations of five software programs for compounding pharmacists: Compound Assist (Dispensing System: Script Assist), RS Software; Compounder Rx and The Compounder Lab, PK Software, Inc.; CompoundIt, Paramount Data, LLC; ExtemPx, Application Design Consultants; and PPS32 – Prescription Processing System, Francom’s Software Ltd. An extensive table provides the following information about each program in a format that allows comparison: company name, its status as a dedicated software company, number of employees dedicated to software functions, affiliated companies, cost, different levels available, cost of each level, operating systems supported, program architecture, technical support, features, reporting capabilities and user interface and help system.
Related Keywords: Software, for compounding pharmacists, review of