Andropause: New Perspectives
Author(s): Biundo Bruce
Issue: May/Jun 2004 - Andropause
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 175-178
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Abstract: The goal of this article is to shed light on some of the poorly understood aspects of andropause, comment on existing concerns and offer some alternative ways to achieve hormonal balance. The author begins by commenting on the amount of interest this topic is generating, as shown by the number of articles addressing this topic in the last few years. He then goes on to discuss andropause, the role of estradiol and estrone, the involvement of testosterone in prostate cancer, therapeutic options in the treatment of andropause and nonsupplemental therapy. He concludes that hormonal balance is important for men to achieve maximal health. While supplementing testosterone and attempting to keep estrogens under control is useful, other means of obtaining hormonal balance should be encouraged.
Related Keywords: Androgen-estrogen balance, in men, Andropause, treatment for, BHRT, in men, Bioidentical hormone replacement, in men, Biundo, Bruce, BS, RPh, Estradiol, effects of in men, Estrone, effects of in men, Estrogens, effects of in men, Prostate cancer, role of testosterone in, Testosterone replacement, in men, Testosterone, role of in prostate cancer