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Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2

Author(s):  Allen Loyd V Jr

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2003 - Terrorism
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  129-134

Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2 Page 1
Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2 Page 2
Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2 Page 3
Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2 Page 4
Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2 Page 5
Basics of Compounding for Terrorist Attacks, Part 2 Page 6

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Abstract:  This article, along with Part 1, is intended to supplement published and future articles and formulations in this journal. Part 2 discusses the agents often used in attacks of terrorism and drugs that treat the effects of those agents. Other topics of discussion include patient categories and dosage forms and regulatory, quality-control and stability considerations. Several formulation for response to biologic terrorism activity are provided, including Amoxicillin 250-mg Troches, Amoxicillin 125-mg Suppositories, Chloramphenicol 250-mg Capsules, Chloramphenicol Palmitate 150-mg/5-mL Suspension, Cidofovir Suppositories, Ciprofloxacin Oral Suspension, Clindamycin Hydrochloride 150-mg Capsules, Clindamycin Phosphate 150-mg Capsules, Clindamycin 10-mg/mL Oral Suspension, Doxycycline Hydrochloride 100-mg Capsules, Erthromycin 200-mg Troches, Erthromycin 250-mg Suppositories, Penicillin G Potassium 20,000,000 units, Penicillin G Potassium 1,000,000-unit Injection, Ribavirin 33-mg/mL Injection, Rifampin 10-mg/mL Oral Suspension, Rifampin 150-mg Capsules, Rifampin 3-mg/mL Intravenous Infusion, Streptomycin Sulfate 400-mg/mL Injection, Tetracycline 125-mg/5-mL Syrup, Tetracycline Hydrochloride 20-mg/mL Intravenous Injection, Tetracycline Hydrochloride 250-mg Capsules, Tetracycline Hydrochloride 250-mg Suppositories and Vancomycin Hydrochloride 250-mg capsules. Suggested formulations for response to chemical terrorism activity are also provided, as follows: Albuterol Sulfate 0.5% Inhalation Solution, Dimercaptosuccinic Acid 250-mg Capsules and Sodium Thiosulfate-Sodium Nitrite Solution. A suggested formulation for Potassium Iodide Saturated Solution response is provided to counter radiological terrorism. Suggested formulations for Lorazepan 2-mg Gelatin Troches, Lorazepan 2-mg Polyethlene Glylcol Troches and Oral Liquid Suspending Vehicle are provided as a response to general terrorism activity.

Related Keywords: Biologic warfare, compounding for the effects of, Chemical warfare, compounding for the effects of, Formulations, for the effects of biologic warfare, Formulations, for the effects of chemical warfare, Formulations, for the effects of radiologic warfare, Internet resources, for use in the event of terrorist attack, Radiologic warfare, compounding for the effects of, Terrorist attacks, compounding for the effects of, Terrorism


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