Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Gas Chromatography
Author(s): Kupiec Thomas C
Issue: Jul/Aug 2004 - Wound Care
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Page(s): 305-309
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Abstract: Chromatography is an analytical technique based on the separation of molecules due to differences in their structure and/or composition. In this article, the author discusses practical aspects of gas chromatography theory, samples and sample preparation, hardware (injectors, carrier gas, column/stationary phase, oven detector and recorder), quantitative analysis and validation. Figures show a schematic of a gas chromatograph and an example chromatogram illustrating gas chromatography analysis of menthol with decanol used as an internal standard.
Related Keywords: Chromatography, gas, quality-control analytical methods for, Gas chromatography, quality-control analytical methods for, Quality control, analytical methods for gas chromatography