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Hospice Symptom Relief Kit: An Update

Author(s):  Petrin Ronald L

Issue:  Jul/Aug 2006 - Sterile Preparations
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  288-290

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Hospice Symptom Relief Kit: An Update Page 2
Hospice Symptom Relief Kit: An Update Page 3

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Abstract:  A hospice patient’s condition can change quickly and dramatically. Because of the unpredictability of sudden changes in a hospice patient’s pain and other symptoms, planning ahead is essential when it comes to preventing needless suffering. To be prepared for such changes, the author developed what was originally called the Hospice Emergency Kit, which has now been more appropriately renamed the Symptom Relief Kit. The rationale for the kit is to have patient-specific medications ready and readily available before the patient actually needs them. Having these kits available allows hospice care providers to treat their patients with the dignity and care they deserve.

Related Keywords: hospice, palliative care, palliation, pain, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting, agitation, lorazepam, diphenhydramine, haloperidol, metoclopramide, ABHR, adverse effects, salivary secretions, saliva, hyoscyamine


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