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Hospice from a Compounding Pharmacist's Perspective

Author(s):  Jones Marty

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2006 - Hospice/Palliative Care
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  89-93

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Abstract:  This article is written from the perspective of a compounding pharmacist. Its primary purpose is to confirm the importance of including a compounding pharmacist in the hospice care team, and it presents a short summary of how hospice began, its primary focus, the makeup of a hospice team, and suggested compounded treatments for common problems in hospice patients. Since nausea is a primary problem for patients in hospice, included with the article are lists of the causes for nausea and of drugs used to treat nausea and their actions. Relief of nausea is a positive example of how a compounding pharmacist can play a vital and compassionate role in improving the quality of life during the dying process.

Related Keywords: Marty Jones, BS Pharm, FACA, FIACP, hospice team, palliative care, palliation, pain relief, neuropathic pain, cancer pain, opioids, adverse effects, symptoms, adjuvant medications, nausea, vomiting, antiemetics, wound care


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