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Hospice and Compounding Pharmacy: Once Inseperable

Author(s):  Williams LaVonn A

Issue:  Jan/Feb 2008 - Compounding for Hospice and Cancer Patients
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  28-37

Hospice and Compounding Pharmacy: Once Inseperable Page 1
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Hospice and Compounding Pharmacy: Once Inseperable Page 10

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Abstract:  Like hospice, compounding pharmacy offers a specialized service. Hospice continues to offer the strong emotional, psychological, and spiritual support to dying patients and their family members that it has provided for many years, but the procedure for ordering drugs for the patients of hospice care in the U.S. has changed. Most hospice organizations work on a contract-only basis with service providers, which include compounding pharmacists, and in most cases a patient’s drugs are ordered from large, remote pharmaceutical suppliers with whom hospice has contracts. At times, hospice patients’ medication needs are not met by this system, and compounding pharmacists may be called upon in such situations, often to assist in the rapid relief of a patient’s pain and discomfort. Since not every manufactured drug or dosage form is suitable for every patient, especially those that have become frail and weak, a compounding pharmacist should be one of the most vital members of the hospice team. Unfortunately, from hospi

Related Keywords: hospice, palliative care, palliation, death and dying, caregivers, formulations, hemorrhoids, topical preparations, urinary catheter care, irrigation, constipation, laxative, stool softener, cold sores, herpes labialis, skin disorders, mouth rinse, oral candidiasis, thrush, fungal infection, wound care, bandage powder, wound odor, state hospice organizations, compounding pharmacist survey, comfort care kit


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