The Rectal Rocket: A Two-Day Treatment for Hemorrhoids
Author(s): Vail Jane
Issue: May/Jun 2007 - Pain Management
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Page(s): 194-199
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Abstract: Hemorrhoids, which remain one of the most common colorectal complaints, have been classified into three types: (1) internal, (2) external, and (3) internal-external (mixed). Currently, there are a variety of therapeutic options for hemorrhoids, and the severity of hemorrhoidal disease determines the proper therapy. Added to the present armamentarium of therapies is a uniquely designed suppository that is used primarily to treat internal and external hemorrhoids and also is used for the treatment of anal fissures. The Rectal Rocket, designed by compounding pharmacists Robert and Jerry Boudreaux, delivers lidocaine and hydrocortisone directly to the site of inflammation and heals injured tissue. In this interview, Robert Boudreaux, RPh, and his son, Douglas Boudreaux, PD, discuss the history, design, mode of action, and availability of this unique preparation.
Related Keywords: Jane Vail, Rectal Rocket, suppository, hemorrhoids, lidocaine, hydrocortisone, pain control, pain management, analgesia, anesthetics, inflammation, anti-inflammatory agents