Current Compounding Practices in Europe
Author(s): Carvalho Maria, Tuleu Catherine, Taylor Kevin MG
Issue: Mar/Apr 2008 - Compounding Around the World
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Page(s): 94-99
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Abstract: Compounding is a worldwide practice that has evolved over centuries. Compounding has developed differently throughout the world, however, and today, approaches to preparing customized medications vary greatly among countries. This doctoral project was undertaken, therefore, to obtain data that highlight the similarities and differences in compounding across Europe. In this report, we present our preliminary findings regarding compounding in Portugal and the United Kingdom. Throughout Europe, there is a need for consensual standards of compounding practice and common monographs for preparations, and our ongoing research is designed to provide a key contribution to the standardization of compounding among European countries.
Related Keywords: international compounding, Europe, hospital pharmacy, monographs, standardization