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Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications

Author(s):  Allen Loyd V Jr

Issue:  Jan/Feb 2019 - Volume 23, Number 1
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  35-44

Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications Page 1
Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications Page 2
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Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications Page 8
Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications Page 9
Basics of Compounding: Standardization of Compounded Medications Page 10

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Abstract:  The feasibility of standardizing concentrations of compounded drug preparations to attempt to minimize adverse events of both nonsterile and sterile compounded preparations has been discussed. It is critical that a wide variety of opinions and potential “unintended consequences” be aired in the public before an issue like this is recommended to become a standard. In this article, we combine the thoughts and recommendations of many practicing compounding pharmacists from both community and hospital practice sites that have contributed to this topic through the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding’s Compounders’ Network List, a complimentary listserve for our subscribers to share information; ask questions; and provide answers, comments, and opinions. We discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and unintended consequences of standardized concentrations and provide input from numerous practitioners who are “on the front lines” daily.

Related Keywords: standardization of compounded preparations, standardized drug concentrations, parenteral drugs, intravenous drug admixtures, nonsterile pediatric drugs, drug safety, children, quality assurance, medication errors, hospital pharmacy, Compounders Network List


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