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Unique Challenges in Compounding: Managing Severe Musculoskeletal Pain in a Recovered Substance Abuser

Author(s):  Christiansen Joel, White Lyndell

Issue:  Jul/Aug 2010 - Sterile Compounding
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  310-314

Unique Challenges in Compounding: Managing Severe Musculoskeletal Pain in a Recovered Substance Abuser Page 1
Unique Challenges in Compounding: Managing Severe Musculoskeletal Pain in a Recovered Substance Abuser Page 2
Unique Challenges in Compounding: Managing Severe Musculoskeletal Pain in a Recovered Substance Abuser Page 3
Unique Challenges in Compounding: Managing Severe Musculoskeletal Pain in a Recovered Substance Abuser Page 4
Unique Challenges in Compounding: Managing Severe Musculoskeletal Pain in a Recovered Substance Abuser Page 5

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Abstract:  Compounding pharmacists can provide a great therapeutic service to pain management patients who have overcome an addiction to prescribed or illegal drugs or alcohol. By collaborating with the physician and the patient, the compounder can develop an effective analgesic formulation with no addictive potential; a preparation that can be safely adjusted to meet changing medical needs. In this report, we present a personal account of the value of two compounded preparations that relieve severe musculoskeletal pain without producing mood-altering effects, as well as information about how those compounds are prepared.

Related Keywords: Joel Christiansen, EdS, pain control, substance abuse, drug addicts, addiction recovery, analgesic, analgesia, formulation, muscle pain, ketoprofen, lidocaine, cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride, topical preparations, transdermal administration


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