Ex Vivo Percutaneous Absorption of Ketamine, Bupivacaine, Diclofenac, Gabapentin, Orphenadrine, and Pentoxyifylline: Comparison of Versatile Cream vs. Reference Cream
Author(s): Wang Xuexuan, Black Laura
Issue: Nov/Dec 2013 - Volume 17, Number 6
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Page(s): 520-525
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Abstract: This ex vivo human percutaneous absorption study evaluated a set of six model drugs (ketamine hydrochloride, bupivacaine hydrochloride, diclofenac sodium, gabapentin, orphenadrine citrate, pentoxifylline) from two popular formulations for topically applied compounding preparations. The compounded preparations used in this study were Versatile cream and a reference cream. Each formulation was applied to human trunk skin mounted on Franz Diffusion Cells, 50 mg/chamber (or 28.2 mg/cm2). Serial dermal receiver solutions were collected for 48 hours. Analysis of the resultant data supports the concept that the Versatile base formulation provides improved characteristics relative to the reference base. This is of key importance where the patient does not show clinical improvement when a conventional topical delivery vehicle is used in the formulation. From the results, it is reasonable to anticipate that, relative to the reference formulation, the Versatile formulation provides enhanced transdermal delivery of some analgesic medications
Related Keywords: Xuexuan Wang, PhD, Laura Black, BSc, ketamine, bupivacaine, diclofenac, gabapentin, orphenadrine, pentoxifylline, topical preparations, transdermal absorption, percutaneous absorption, skin penetration enhancers, analgesic, pain medication, versatile cream base, drug release rate, drug delivery