Highlighting the Benefits of AlpaWash in Wound Care: Case Reports in Small Animals
Author(s): Semighini Flavia, Fornaciari Lais de Azevedo, Pinheiro Vanessa, Lupatini Rodrigo, Haiub Halema, Cull Erica, Sidhu Raman
Issue: Nov/Dec 2023 - Volume 27, Number 6
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Page(s): 454-460
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Abstract: Several studies have reported the potential of utilizing natural extracts in wound care, emphasizing those with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. In veterinary medicine, dermal-lesion treatment can be very challenging considering the patient's compliance and awareness of their condition. In this article, six veterinary case reports have been presented to elucidate the advantages of AlpaWash, a topical application utilized in combination with the prescribed medications of the patients, for the purpose of addressing the process of wound healing in three cats and three dogs. All animals were admitted to the veterinary clinic and treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. The cats and dogs were rescued from streets by people who lived in the neighborhood of Cão Bento´s Veterinary. They were admitted for the purpose of receiving medical care due to recent minor injuries or wounds due to a pet fight, preexisting condition, or accident. A veterinarian performed the anamnesis and monitored the animals during the period of treatment with AlpaWash. In each case report, the veterinarian observed significant improvement in the wound closures, and lesions healed within a couple of weeks to a couple of months depending on the case. The outcomes demonstrate the benefits of AlpaWash topical application and suggest that AlpaWash may be an alternative vehicle for compounded preparations in wound management.
Related Keywords: Flavia Semighini, BSc, Lais de Azevedo Fornaciari, CRMV, Vanessa Pinheiro, MSc, Rodrigo Lupatini, MSc, Halema Haiub, MSc, Erica Cull, BSc, Raman Sidhu, BSc, cutaneous wound care, wound healing, dogs, cats, AlpaWash, case reports, topical preparations, micronized green propolis, Peucedanum ostruthium, re-epithelialization, anti-inflammatory agent, inflammation, natural extracts