Basics of Compounding: 3D Printing--Pharmacy Applications, Part 1
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: Mar/Apr 2017 - Volume 21, Number 2
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 127-130
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Abstract: Three-dimensional printing quickly became a standard tool in the automotive, aerospace, and consumer goods industries and, recently, has begun gaining traction in pharmaceutical manufacturing. 3D printing has steadily grown, introducing a new element into dosage form development, and has received a boost with U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of the 3D-printed orodispersible tablet, Spritam (levetiracetam). This part 1 of a 3-part article introduces 3D printing and its application to pharmacy.
Related Keywords: 3D printing, pharmaceutical manufacturing, dosage form development, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, orodispersible tablet, levetiracetam, complex dosage forms, personalization, on-demand compounding, delayed release, transdermal administration, long-acting implants, modified release, multiple release, combination drug products, customized dosage forms, decentralization, decentralized manufacturing, additive manufacturing, stereolithography file format, .stl, rapid disintegration, low-stability drugs