Basics of Compounding: 3D Printing--Pharmacy Applications: Geometric Shape Effects on 3D Printing
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: Sep/Oct 2017 - Volume 21, Number 5
View All Articles in Issue
Page(s): 388-392
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Abstract: As patient therapy becomes more specialized and individualized, one applicable method of drug delivery is through 3D printing. With 3D printing, pharmacists can provide either immediate or modified drug release of either an individual drug or multiple drugs in a singledosage unit. The release rates can be varied, not only by excipients in the formulation, but also to some extent by the shapes of the finished-drug preparation. Some studies demonstrating these concepts are included in this article, along with their method of compounding using 3D printing.
Related Keywords: Loyd V. Allen, Jr., PhD, RPh, 3D printing, drug delivery, controlled drug release, drug release rate, sustained release, single dosage units, individualized therapy, finished drug preparation, dosage forms, pharmacogenomics, geometric shape, tablet geometry, specific geometry release effect, combination polypill