Stability of Extemporaneously Prepared Hydroxycarbamide Oral Suspensions
Author(s): Kabiche Djamila, Balde Issa-Bella, Majoul Elyes, Kabiche Sofiane, Bourguignon Elodie, Fontan Jean-Eudes, Cisternino Salvatore, Schlatter Joel
Issue: Mar/Apr 2017 - Volume 21, Number 2
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Page(s): 160-163
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Abstract: Hydroxycarbamide, available as tablets, is a pharmacological agent for fetal hemoglobin induction such as sickle cell anemia. The need for alternative dosage form options for patients unable to take tablets led hospital pharmacies to prepare solutions and suspensions. The objective of this study was to determine the stability of hydroxycarbamide in Ora-Plus in combination with either Ora-Sweet or Ora-Sweet SF, Ora-Blend, or Ora-Blend SF suspending agents. The studied samples were compounded into 100-mg/mL suspensions and stored in 60-mL amber glass bottles at room (22°C to 25°C) or refrigerated (4°C to 8°C) temperature. Samples were assayed at each time point out to 120 days by a stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography method. The samples were examined for any change in color, odor, visual microbiology, and pH on initial and final day of analysis. At least 90% of hydroxycarbamide concentration remained in all suspensions at the end of the 120-day study period in both conditions. There was no appreciable change in color, odor, or taste. The pH values of suspensions stored at 25°C changed by at least 1 unit at the end of the study period. Based on the data collected, the beyond-use date of these suspensions is 120 days when stored in 60-mL amber glass bottles at both temperature storage conditions.
Related Keywords: Djamila Kabiche, CLT, Issa-Bella Balde, PharmD, Elyes Majoul, PharmD, Sofiane Kabiche, PharmD, Elodie Bourguignon, PharmD, Jean-Eudes Fontan, PharmD, Salvatore Cisternino, PhD, Joel Schlatter, PharmD, hydroxycarbamide, hydroxyurea, fetal hemoglobin induction, sickle cell anemia, oral suspensions, oral suspension vehicles, stability