Compounded "Monster Spray" for Nighttime Terrors: A Case Report
Author(s): Riepl Mike
Issue: Nov/Dec 2023 - Volume 27, Number 6
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Page(s): 446-448
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Abstract: Among the challenges most difficult to treat in the spectrum of pediatric anxieties are severe, persistent nighttime terrors (e.g., anticipating or “perceiving” the presence of monsters or other creatures under the bed or in the closet, nightmares) that disrupt a child’s sleep, impact his or her overall adjustment, negatively affect the quality of family life, and may eventually require clinical assessment and intervention. This article describes a compounded preparation that has proven successful in combatting such fears and enabling the recovery of children so afflicted.
Related Keywords: Mike Riepl, RPh, formulation, monster spray, children, toddler, sleep disturbance, nightmares, night terrors, anxiety, childhood fears, lavender oil, anxiolytic