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Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management

Author(s):  Heuerman Jason, Haiub Halema, Cull Erica, Lupatini Rodrigo, Shrum Brandon, Sidhu Raman

Issue:  Jul/Aug 2023 - Volume 27, Number 4
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  270-276

Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management Page 1
Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management Page 2
Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management Page 3
Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management Page 4
Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management Page 5
Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management Page 6
Case Report in Equine: Highlighting the Benefits of Medisca CopaSil in Burn Scar Management Page 7

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Abstract:  In this case report, we highlight the benefits of Medisca CopaSil application for scar healing in a horse having sustained second-degree burn injuries covering most of its back. The application of CopaSil started three months after sustaining the burn injury when silver sulfadiazine topical cream treatment showed no significant improvement. CopaSil is formulated with ingredients that may help in reducing inflammation and accelerate healing by modulating the immune response. After using CopaSil for six months, the horse’s back was healed, and the hair began to regrow. The complete healing was achieved within six months, and full recovery was reported and confirmed by the horse’s owner and pharmacist. This case report highlights the outcomes and benefits of CopaSil in improving the appearance of scars.

Related Keywords: horses, racehorse, wound healing, burns, Medisca CopaSil, burn scars, case report, topical preparation, immune response modulators, skin structure, dermal functions, burn severity, re-epithelialization, skin remodeling, copaiba oil, sweet almond oil, inca inchi oil, occlusive barrier, silicone, inflammation, anti-inflammatory agent, antibacterial agent, microbial contamination, itching, pruritus, analgesic agent, silver sulfadiazine


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