Basic Statistical Concepts for Evaluating the Pharmaceutical Compounding Literature: Part 4. Student's t-test and One-way Analysis of Variance
Author(s): Buderer Nancy M Fenn
Issue: May/Jun 1998 - Compounding Ophthalmics
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Page(s): 216-218
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Abstract: A statistical test is a mathematical formula that uses data to answer a research question. This article discusses how to transform a collection of data points into a P value using a statistical test – specifically, the Student’s t-test and one-way analysis of variance. The author takes the reader through each section of a research paper (in this case a study by Fausel and colleagues on fat emulsion and supersaturation on calcium phosphate solubility in parenteral nutrient admixtures). A figure illustrates the process of testing a hypothesis, and a table summarizes terms relating to the Student’s t-test and analysis of variance.
Related Keywords: anova, deviation, froup, hypothesis, mean, median, variance