Profile of a Practice: Surviving the Competition
Author(s): Davis Jeanie Lerche
Issue: May/Jun 2000 - Compounding for the Ear, Nose and Throat
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Page(s): 203
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Abstract: This profile features, Evelyn Timmons, RPh, FACA, FIACP, and Mountain View Pharmacy in Paradise Valley, AZ. Thirty years ago she brought sterile products compounding to the Scottsdale-Phoenix area, helping every hospital in the area to convert to sterile narcotic delivery. She was also the first pharmacist to ask for voluntary chart review in hospitals. She has profited from the visibility gained from these accomplishments and also from contacts through her physician husband. She also does a great deal of public speaking. She provides advice on getting a compounding business started, including being active in the state and local communities. She introduced hormone replacement therapy to her region three decades ago, and it represents a mainstay of her practice, which now also includes her son (a veterinarian and compounding pharmacist). She consistently markets, spending a lot of time on the telephone and meeting with physicians. She also teaches compounding lab classes at two local medical colleges and holds seminars for patients.
Related Keywords: arizona, community, women's health