Estriol: Women's Choice vs. A Manufacturer's Greed
Author(s): Goodrum Jennifer
Issue: Jul/Aug 2008 - Hormone Replacement Therapy
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Page(s): 286-292
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Abstract: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently took action to†hal4 the compounding of hormone preparations that contain estriol, an action requested in a citizen petition filed by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. If the Food and Drug Administration, with the support of Wyeth, is successful in its efforts, women throughout the U.S. who rely on compounded hormones containing estriol will have to discontinue their prescribed treatment. The International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists is engaged in ongoing outreach to ensure that members of Congress recognize the importance of protecting pharmacy compounding for the health and well-being of their constituents. Significant progress has been made with the recent introduction of a congressional resolution in support of estriol.
Related Keywords: estriol, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, regulation, Wyeth, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, estrogen, BHRT