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Potential Treatments for Radiation Dermatitis

Author(s):  Corsini Lindsay

Issue:  May/Jun 2010 - Pain Management
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  210-213

Potential Treatments for Radiation Dermatitis Page 1
Potential Treatments for Radiation Dermatitis Page 2
Potential Treatments for Radiation Dermatitis Page 3
Potential Treatments for Radiation Dermatitis Page 4

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Abstract:  Radiation therapy used alone or in combination with chemotherapy and/or surgery for the treatment of cancer can be extremely problematic and painful to the patient. The adverse effects of radiation therapy include dryness, itching, peeling, or blistering of the skin. There are numerous formulas and compounds that can be utilized to help patients with radiation burns. The compounding pharmacist, physician, and patient can work together to help increase the quality of life for a patient that is undergoing a treatment that can be very mentally and physically painful. This article discusses some of the agents used by compounding pharmacists to provide medicinal alternatives to cater to a cancer patient’s individualized needs.

Related Keywords: radiation therapy, dermatitis, skin damage, pain management, pain control, analgesia, analgesic, formulations, topical preparations, transdermal administration, lidocaine, urea, aloe vera, burns, dry skin, corticosteroids, collagen, misoprostol, inflammation, mouth rinse


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