Natural or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement: What makes the Difference? An Interview with Christopher B. Cutter, MD.
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Abstract: In this interview, Christopher Cutter, MD, associate professor of medicine at UCLA School of Medicine in Los Angeles, explains his choice of bioidentical hormones as the primary treatment for hormone deficiencies. He addresses the following questions: What types of hormone replacement do you provide? Is progesterone safe to use in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy? What prompted you to prescribe bioidentical hormones? Is DHEA breast protective? Do you usually advise women to use bioidentical hormones briefly or for a longer duration? Do you agree with the theory that in women the levels of certain endogenous hormones naturally decrease as the patient’s age increases and that restoring those hormones to a premenopausal level for a long duration causes health problems? Is there an age after which the use of hormone therapy in women is discouraged? What types of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy do you prescribe for younger women? In which cases do you prescribe testosterone replacement therapy? Will you continue to prescribe only bioidentical hormone replacement therapy?
Related Keywords:
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, Cutter, Christopher B, interview with, Hormone replacement, difference in bioidentical and natural
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