Restructuring the Art of Health by Pharmacists: Formulation Designs with Oral Vehicles--Teaching Pharmacy Students
Author(s): Benischek Rita
Issue: Mar/Apr 2017 - Volume 21, Number 2
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Page(s): 105-108
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Abstract: Compounding pharmacists, responsible for appropriate preparation of medications, coordinate with other professionals to reach optimal therapeutic options for patients. This review summarizes proprietary oral vehicles or suspensions focusing on available information or updated data from suppliers. Research has advanced methods with revised applications, cutting-edge safety considerations, beyond-use dating provisions for technical assistance, and evidence to review and teach pharmacy students the opportunities in the choices of an oral vehicle. Current marketing, competitive, and scientific trends necessitate that manufacturers shift further to research of product or integrated product mixes to sustain their independence in pharmacies.
Related Keywords: Rita Benischek, DPh, MA, proprietary oral vehicles, proprietary oral suspensions, chemical properties, particle size, stability, patient outcome, pharmacy students