Intravenous Admixture Preparation Considerations, Part 2: Incompatibilities and Factors Involved
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: Jan/Feb 2020 - Volume 24, Number 1
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Page(s): 44-50
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Abstract: Intravenous admixture compounding requires a knowledge of stability, compatibility, and incompatibility issues related to the complete composition and formulation of the admixture. Referring to tables, charts, etc. is valuable but not always sufficient to determine whether or not a specific intravenous admixture will be stable and compatible. In evaluating an intravenous admixture, one is not just concerned with the active ingredients but with all the excipients. Excipients used in the formulations of commercially available products may vary between manufacturers, and these variations can influence drug compatibility and stability. Clinical pharmaceutics involves the study and application or pharmaceutics to real-life clinical compounding situations to aid in the evaluation of each intravenous admixture. This series continues with compatibility considerations in intravenous admixture compounding and will cover most aspects of the issues involved, to include in-syringe admixtures and small-volume and large-volume admixtures.
Related Keywords: intravenous drug admixtures, compounded sterile preparations, stability, compatibility, incompatibility, excipients, syringes, small-volume parenteral formulations, large-volume parenteral formulations, cosolvent formulations, pH, solubility, concentration, complexation, light, temperature, vehicle, drug sorption, drug adsorption, drug absorption, drug containers, polyvinyl chloride, PVC, drug interactions