Detailing Your Compounding Specialty Practice: Part 1 - Prospecting, Preapproach and Approach
Author(s): Barnett Candace W, Jackson Richard A, Letendre William R
Issue: Jan/Feb 2004 - Androgen Deficiency in Women
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Page(s): 31-34
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Abstract: This article, along with Part 2, is intended to provide the owner/manager of a compounding specialty pharmacy with the skills necessary to implement a successful detailing component in his or her marketing plan. It may also be useful in training other pharmacy personnel to effectively detail a compounding specialty. According to the authors, a significant amount of time should be spent in preparation, which includes prospecting and the preapproach. Sources of prospects include the Internet, Yellow Pages, medical buildings and endless-chain referral. The preapproach includes gaining attention, getting an appointment and preparing for the sales presentation. Important considerations in the approach are attitude and appearance. Advice is also provided on how to open the presentation.
Related Keywords: Marketing, for compounding pharmacists