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Marketing Your Prescription Compounding Practice: Part Two

Author(s):  Letendre William R, Jackson Richard A

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2000 - Compounding for Diabetes Patients
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  115-117

Marketing Your Prescription Compounding Practice: Part Two Page 1
Marketing Your Prescription Compounding Practice: Part Two Page 2
Marketing Your Prescription Compounding Practice: Part Two Page 3

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Abstract:  In the second of a three-part series, the authors focus on the remaining components of the marketing mix of a compounding prescription practice: price (cost-based pricing, competition-based pricing and demand-based pricing), practice site (facility exterior, facility interior, facility interior for a compounding laboratory, other physical evidence), people and process. A table provides a listing of elements of physical evidence.

Related Keywords: cost-based pricing, competition-based pricing, demand-based pricing, compounding practice, servicescape, customer service, satisfaction, professional image

Related Categories: BUSINESS, MARKETING

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