Detailing Your Compounding Specialty Practice - Part 2: The Presentation
Author(s): Barnett Candace W, Jackson Richard A, Letendre William R
Issue: Mar/Apr 2004 - Overview of USP Chapter <797>
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Page(s): 113-119
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Abstract: The authors explain the mechanics of conducting a detailed presentation and provide a sample presentation with slides or a flip chart. They list the nine steps in giving a presentation as introducing the pharmacy, introducing the pharmacy staff, defining problem-solving services, reviewing several patient anecdotes, exploring the prospect’s needs, reviewing contemporary dosage forms, reviewing flavoring options, describing resources used by compounders and inviting questions. They also cover handling objections and provide tables containing typical questions and responses and nonspecific verbal objections and suggested counteractive responses. Other topics they discuss include the closing, gaining commitment, types of prospect responses and follow-up. In summary, they suggest anticipating questions ahead of time and spending time with the prospect after the presentation to handle objections, followed by a closing and request for commitment.
Related Keywords: Marketing, for compounding pharmacies