Clinical Utility of Pharmacogenetic Testing in Compounding Pharmacy
Author(s): Fichter Brian, Heintzelman Tom, Hurst Sawan, Fitzsimmons Dorothy, Mailloux Christina
Issue: Nov/Dec 2013 - Volume 17, Number 6
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Page(s): 452-457
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Abstract: Pharmacists must consider all factors when dosing medication for a patient. Until recently, however, one key piece to this puzzle was missing—genetics. This invisible piece of the puzzle can now be utilized with pharmacogenetic testing. By using pharmacogenetic testing, the compounding pharmacist will be able to better predict disease risk as well as the pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic actions of the prescriptions their patients are taking. Pharmacogenetics is poised to become the standard of care that not only physicians are embracing, but pharmacists can utilize to better personalize their patient’s needs.
Related Keywords: pharmacogenetics, genetics, genetic testing, personalize, personalization, metabolic pathways, response to therapy, breast cancer risk prediction, hormone replacement therapy, HRT, cytochrome P450, warfarin, gene mutations, single nucleotide polymorphisms