Extemporaneous Formulations in Pediatric Patients
Author(s): Nahata Milap C
Issue: Jul/Aug 1999 - Compounding Parenteral Products
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Page(s): 274-276
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Abstract: Extemporaneous drug formulations are important in treating pediatric patients, and pharmacists have a unique role in compounding these medicines for use in their patients. The author discusses the need for compounding, required studies for extemporaneous formulations (physicochemical properties, physical and chemical stability, palatability and miscellaneous) and new regulations. A table provides a listing of examples of drugs not available in liquids. The author concludes that joint efforts by various groups are required for making extemporaneous formulations accessible to the most vulnerable populations.
Related Keywords: "off-label" use, chemical stability, children, infants, IV drugs, liquid-dosage form, palatability, pediatric patients, physical stability