Stability of Omeprazole Extemporaneous Oral Solution in Chopin Base
Author(s): Spennacchio Antonio, Lopedota Angela Assunta, la Forgia Flavia Maria, Fontana Sergio, Denora Nunzio, Lopalco Antonio
Issue: May/Jun 2023 - Volume 27, Number 3
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Page(s): 250-255
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Abstract: Omeprazole is the progenitor of proton pump inhibitors. It is used for the treatment of ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux in dosages ranging from 10 mg/day to 40 mg/day, calibrated according to the patient's age and body weight. In this study, the authors provide a report on the preparation of an extemporaneous liquid formulation of omeprazole using fast oral solution Chopin a hydroxypropyl-?-cyclodextrin liquid base (pH 8 to 9) that is able to solubilize the drug. A solubility study of the drug in the liquid vehicle and a physical-chemical stability study of the 1-mg/mL formulation at 4°C and 25°C were performed. Analyses were carried out by using a high-pressure liquid chromatographic analytical method. Results showed that the intrinsic solubility of the drug in Chopin base was 5.33 mg/mL ± 0.23 mg/mL at 25°C and that omeprazole was chemically stable when the formulation was stored at 4°C over a period of 3 months, while its shelf life at 25°C was only 9 days. This study has demonstrated that the resulting liquid formulation is suitable for all patients, in particular children or adults who are unable to take other pharmaceutical dosage forms, which overcomes the limitations of the medicines currently available on the market.
Related Keywords: Antonio Spennacchio, PhD Student in Pharmaceutical Technology, Angela Assunta Lopedota, PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology, Flavia Maria la Forgia, MS in Pharmacy, Sergio Fontana, MS in Pharmacy, Nunzio Denora, PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology, Antonio Lopalco, PhD in Pharmaceutical Technology, omeprazole, proton pump inhibitor, gastrointestinal ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, Chopin base, GERD, hydroxypropyl-cyclodextrin liquid base, liquid dosage forms, physical stability, chemical stability, solubility