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Wish You Were Here: The Niagara Apothecary

Author(s):  Worthen Dennis B

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2001 - Compounding for Animals
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  116-117

Wish You Were Here: The Niagara Apothecary Page 1
Wish You Were Here: The Niagara Apothecary Page 2

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Abstract:  The author profiles the Niagara Apothecary, opened around 1820 and operated until 1964, one of the oldest continuously operated drugstores in Canada. The building and its furnishings have been restored to the time of the late 1860s. One of the most striking features of the museum is an elegantly carved dispensing counter, which includes a restored clock, two light globes held aloft by armed female figures and a carved beaver, a symbol of Canada. Information is provided regarding location, telephone numbers, hours open and admission fee.

Related Keywords: apothecary museum, history, museum, Niagara Apothecary

Related Categories: HISTORY

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