Infertility Care and the Role of the Compounding Pharmacist
Author(s): Filicpzuk Janina
Issue: Mar/Apr 2001 - Compounding for Animals
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Page(s): 136-139
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Abstract: Today’s healthcare environment is changing dramatically, and mergers of hospitals and hospital systems has outnumbered other types of consolidations. Potential benefits can be realized: increased economics of scale; decreased expenses due to aggregate group purchasing and debt consolidation; increased access to capital, investments and benefits; potential to improve the provision and use of human and financial resources; competitive marketing advantages; increased customer satisfaction and increased market share. The authors go on to discuss models of consolidation of pharmacy compounding services.
Related Keywords: Creighton Model, delayed rupture syndrome, empty follicle syndrome, fertility, immature follicle syndrome, infertility, luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome, partial rupture syndrome