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Potassium Nitrate/Benzocaine/Tetracaine Dental Gel

Author(s):  Allen Loyd V Jr

Issue:  May/Jun 2008 - Pain Management
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  266

Potassium Nitrate/Benzocaine/Tetracaine Dental Gel Page 1

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Abstract:  A formulation for preparing Potassium Nitrate/Benzocaine/Tetracaine Dental Gel. Includes ingredients, method of preparation, discussion, and references for the compounding pharmacist.

Related Keywords: formulation, topical preparations, potassium nitrate, benzocaine, tetracaine, dental gel, oral pain, mouth pain, tooth sensitivity, gum pain, pain control, pain management, analgesia, analgesics, mucous membranes, gums


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