Case Report: Pediatric Scar Management After Open-heart Surgery
Author(s): Phan Ha, Harger Beau, Estrada Nick
Issue: Jul/Aug 2016 - Volume 20, Number 4
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Page(s): 277-280
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Abstract: Tetralogy of Fallot is a congenital disease caused by structural defects within the heart that can lead to cyanosis. The purpose of this case report is to discuss the use of PracaSil-Plus, a proprietary topical anhydrous silicone base containing pracaxi oil, in scar-management therapy, following open-heart surgery on a pediatric patient with tetralogy of Fallot. The Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale was the research instrument used to evaluate for efficacy of the scar therapy. Following 8 weeks of treatment with PracaSil-Plus, reduction in scores were observed for scar color, stiffness, thickness, and irregularity, with improvements of 87.5%, 90.0%, 66.7%, and 66.7% from baseline, respectively. The post-treatment scar was similar to normal skin in appearance, with a 77.8% improvement in the total score. These results show that PracaSil-Plus may be a valuable option for practitioners and pharmacists to consider in pediatric scar-management therapy.
Related Keywords: Ha Phan, PharmD, RPh, Beau Harger, PharmD, RPh, Nick Estrada, PharmD, RPh, tetralogy of Fallot, congenital heart disease, cardiac abnormality, neonate, infant, scar tissue, surgical repair, PracaSil-Plus, wound healing, case report, pracaxi oil, topical preparations, anhydrous silicone base, cyanosis, blue baby syndrome, Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale, POSAS, quality of life