Compounding with Pracaxi Versus Copaiba Oil
Author(s): Magutu Tom
Issue: Jul/Aug 2022 - Volume 26, Number 4
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Page(s): 277-281
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Abstract: Although scarring is often considered trivial when compared to the seriousness of the incident that caused the wound, if the scarring is in a part of the body that is not easy to conceal, it can be aesthetically unpleasant and/ or disfiguring, which may cause anxiety and distress to the patient and reduce their quality of life. Evidence from case studies conducted on pracaxi and copaiba oil has indicated that both oils were effective in scar management. The purpose of this article was to analyze the potential topical use of either copaiba oil or pracaxi oil as part of compounded wound- and scar-care preparations.
Related Keywords: Tom Magutu, PharmD, wound healing, scars, scarring, cicatrix, quality of life, pracaxi oil, copaiba oil, fatty acids