Experimenting with a New Emulsifying Agent (Tahini) in Mineral Oil Emulsion
Author(s): Al-Achi Antoine, Greenwood Robert, Akin-Isijola Austin
Issue: Jul/Aug 2000 - Compounding for Hospice and Cancer Patients
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Page(s): 315-317
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Abstract: The use of tahini, a sesame paste, as an emulsifying agent was the subject of this investigation. Mineral oil emulsion, USP, was used as an emulsion model. Tahini partially or completely replaced acacia in the official emulsion. The rate of creaming (expressed as percent) and the viscosity of the resulting emulsions were measured. Also, emulsions were prepared containing tahini only. The results show that tahiniprepared emulsions had lower creaming rates and viscosity after one month of storage at room temperature. Thus, a better physical stability was achieved when tahini was used as an emulsifying agent.
Related Keywords: acacia, agent, creaming, Emulsifying, emulsion, mineral oil, sesame paste, stability, tahini, viscosity