Nonsterile Basics of Compounding: Compounding with Humectants
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: May/Jun 2023 - Volume 27, Number 3
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Page(s): 218-221
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Abstract: Humectants are in common use not only in pharmaceuticals but also in foods, cosmetics, etc. The proper selection of a humectant in a pharmaceutical formula depends upon the dosage form, ingredients, physical and chemical characteristics, as well as stability issues. Some of the more typical examples of humectants that are used in pharmaceuticals, foods, and cosmetics are provided in this article, as well as a more detailed list of humectants used in pharmaceuticals, including some physicochemical characteristics.
Related Keywords: humectants, hygroscopic agent, water loss, topical preparations, solubilization, suspensions, ointments, creams, oral films, transdermal penetration, food additives, cosmetics, tobacco products, meals-ready-to-eat, MREs