Basics of Compounding: Excipients Used in Nonsterile Compounding, Part 7: Compounding with Surfactants
Author(s): Allen Loyd V Jr
Issue: Sep/Oct 2020 - Volume 24, Number 5
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Page(s): 388-395
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Abstract: Surfactants have many applications in pharmacy. However, they must be used appropriately to prevent poor formulations and difficulties in measuring doses due to foaming, etc. It is not difficult to determine which surfactant is appropriate for different applications, to determine the appropriate hydrophilic lipophilic balance system to be used, to blend surfactants if needed, and to prepare them correctly to minimize any adverse effect on the final preparation. This article discusses several types of substances that have surfactant properties (anionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, poloxamers) and their applications.
Related Keywords: Loyd V. Allen, Jr., PhD, RPh, nonsterile compounding, surfactants, surface-acting agents, hydrophilic lipophilic balance, anionic surfactants, cationic surfactants, nonionic surfactants, poloxamers, solubilization, solubility, micelle formation, stability, emulsions, emulsification, miscibility, microemulsions, immiscible liquids, suspensions, parenteral preparations, oral films, tablets, capsules, transdermal preparations, dermal penetration, otic irrigating solutions, wetting agents, respiratory therapy, laxatives, nasal preparations, detergents, ophthalmic preparations, foaming