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Author Search Results

Author Search Results for "Worthen Dennis B"
(Click for Abstract / Details / Purchase)
Good Enough for America
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2014
Pg. 20-29

In the Hands of Your Enemy
Worthen Dennis B
Nov/Dec 2010
Pg. 456-462

Pharmaceutical Legislation: An Historical Perspective
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2006
Pg. 20-28

Pharmacy History: Pharmacy Knots
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2005
Pg. 220-221

Wish You Were Here: Pharmacy Museum, Weimar, Texas
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2005
Pg. 50-52

Wish You Were Here: American Institute of the History of Pharmacy, Madison, Wisconsin
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2004
Pg. 368-369

American Pharmaceutical Patents From a Historical Perspective
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2004
Pg. 40-45

Wish You Were Here: The Pearson Museum, Springfield, Illinois
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2003
Pg. 184-185

Wish You Were Here: Deutsche Apotheken Museum (German Museum of Pharmacy)
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2003
Pg. 78-79

Spavin Treatment
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2002
Pg. 351

Cough Ball (Veterinary)
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2002
Pg. 351

Horse Liniment
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2002
Pg. 351

Compounding in History: Equine Health
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2002
Pg. 350-351

Wish You Were Here: Chicago, Illinois
Worthen Dennis B
Jul/Aug 2002
Pg. 284-285

Compounding in History: The Road to Wellville
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2002
Pg. 184-185

Mild Laxative
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2002
Pg. 185

Liver Pills for All Obstructions of the Liver, Gall Ducts, and Bowel
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2002
Pg. 185

Wish You Were Here: The History of Pharmacy Museum at the Arizona College of Pharmacy, Tucson, Arizona
Worthen Dennis B
Mar/Apr 2002
Pg. 116-117

Compounding in History: Dental Considerations
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2002
Pg. 32-33

Wish You Were Here: Vienna, Austria
Worthen Dennis B
Nov/Dec 2001
Pg. 438-439

Flush Powder, No. 2
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2001
Pg. 366

Tincture of Black Cohosh
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2001
Pg. 366

Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2001
Pg. 366

Compounding in History: Treatment at the Change of Life
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2001
Pg. 365-367

Wish You Were Here: The Stabler-Leadbeater Apothecary Museum
Worthen Dennis B
Jul/Aug 2001
Pg. 290-292

Compounding in History: Compounding Economics
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2001
Pg. 196-197

Stoughton's Bitters
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2001
Pg. 197

Wish You Were Here: The Niagara Apothecary
Worthen Dennis B
Mar/Apr 2001
Pg. 116-117

Compounding in History: Pediatric Considerations
Worthen Dennis B
Jan/Feb 2001
Pg. 30-31

Wish You Were Here: Donald F. Salvatori California Pharmacy Museum
Worthen Dennis B
Nov/Dec 2000
Pg. 450-451

Wish You Were Here: Marvin Samson Center for the History of Pharmacy, University of the Sciences in Philadelphia
Worthen Dennis B
Sep/Oct 2000
Pg. 359

Wish You Were Here: Oklahoma Frontier Drug Store Museum
Worthen Dennis B
May/Jun 2000
Pg. 188-189

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