Evaluation of the Percutaneous Absorption of Promethazine Hydrochloride, In Vitro, Using the Human Ex Vivo Skin Model
Author(s): Bassani August S, Banov Daniel, Lehman Paul A
Issue: May/Jun 2008 - Pain Management
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Page(s): 270-273
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Abstract: For several years, pharmacists have been using vehicles such as Pluronic lecithin organogel and Lipoderm for the delivery of medication, including promethazine, through the skin. This study evaluated the percutaneous absorption pharmacokinetics of promethazine hydrochloride 25 mg/g in Pluronic lecithin organogel and the commercial base Lipoderm, in vitro, in human ex vivo skin, using the finite dose technique and Franz Diffusion Cells. Due to the polar nature of promethazine hydrochloride, it was theorized that this drug would present a transdermal challenge for these two commonly utilized compounding bases. An amount of 5 mcL/cm2 of each formulation was applied to triplicate sections of skin from three different ex vivo skin donors. At 4, 8, 12, 24, 32, and 48 hours post-application, the reservoir solution in the Franz Cell was removed and analyzed. Lipoderm performed better than Pluronic lecithin organogel based on total absorption into the reservoir solution (2.86% ± 0.79 vs. 1.73% ± 0.85) (P <0.2). Total
Related Keywords: August S. Bassani, PharmD, Daniel Banov, MS, Paul A. Lehman, MSc, promethazine hydrochloride, nausea, vomiting, topical preparations, skin penetration, transdermal administration, Pluronic lecithin organogel, PLO, Lipoderm, excipients