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Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Applications and Sterility of Autologous Eye Drops

Author(s):  Reed-Kane Dana, Carlson Rachel A, Kupiec Thomas C, Vu Nicole

Issue:  Nov/Dec 2009 - Geriatric Compounding
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  540-543

Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Applications and Sterility of Autologous Eye Drops Page 1
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Applications and Sterility of Autologous Eye Drops Page 2
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Applications and Sterility of Autologous Eye Drops Page 3
Quality-Control Analytical Methods: Applications and Sterility of Autologous Eye Drops Page 4

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Abstract:  Severe dry eye syndrome can adversely affect a patient’s quality of life. When preservative-free artificial tear solutions are not adequate to reduce symptoms, the patient’s own serum can be compounded into eye drops that improve the ocular surface. The aim of our study was to test the sterility of autologous serum eye drops in refrigerator conditions for up to 30 days and in freezer conditions for up to 180 days. It was determined that sterility was maintained throughout this period.

Related Keywords: dry eye, autologous serum eye drops, ocular irritation, eye disorders, stability, sterile preparations, clinical testing, ophthalmic preparations


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