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Vehicles for Compounding Oral Liquids: Some Practical Considerations

Author(s):  Palmer Henry A

Issue:  Mar/Apr 1998 - Pain Management
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  160-161

Vehicles for Compounding Oral Liquids: Some Practical Considerations Page 1
Vehicles for Compounding Oral Liquids: Some Practical Considerations Page 2

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Abstract:  Oral liquids are relatively common extemporaneously prepared dosage forms, and in many ways they represent a challenge for the compounding pharmacist. In this article, the author discusses considerations (source of active ingredients, suitability of active ingredients, solubility, flavoring, elixirs and sorbitol) and practical tips on vehicle production/selection (alcoholic vehicles and aqueous vehicles).

Related Keywords: Aqueous, Elixirs, Flavoring, Juice, Suspensions, Sweet


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