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Basics of Compounding: Compounding Solutions

Author(s):  Allen Loyd V Jr

Issue:  Mar/Apr 2000 - Compounding for Diabetes Patients
View All Articles in Issue

Page(s):  122-125

Basics of Compounding: Compounding Solutions Page 1
Basics of Compounding: Compounding Solutions Page 2
Basics of Compounding: Compounding Solutions Page 3
Basics of Compounding: Compounding Solutions Page 4

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Abstract:  The most common solution dosage forms include the oral, parenteral and topical liquids. In this article, the author discusses definitions (solutions, oral liquids, parenteral solutions, topical solutions, syrups and elixirs), preparation methods/techniques, physicochemical considerations (drug form, pH and pKa, chemical stability, flavoring or odor masking), characteristics of common vehicles (oral liquids, syrups, elixirs and nonaqueous solvent systems), specific quality control, storage/labeling, stability and counseling. A table provides a listing of common syrup vehicles and their pH and alcohol content.

Related Keywords: vehicle, solubility, preparation methods, preparation techniques, stability, flavoring, odor masking, chemical stability, pH, syrups, elixirs


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